The MOVE RI Art Busses Are On a Roll

What would happen if we combined public art and public transportation?

MOVE RI is unique partnership between us and the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority that combines public art and public transportation to bring art to the people. This program will place two “art busses” on RIPTA routes throughout the state; the busses are wrapped in vivid designs created by The Avenue Concept’s 2018 Design Fellows, Myles Dumas and Colin Gillespie. One of the buses, the “Move” bus, was unveiled at an event in Kennedy Plaza on Friday, October 5. The design, which forms the word “move” from repeating lines of bold colors, is intended as a visual announcement of the new program. The inside of the bus has also been redesigned by the Dumas and Gillespie; it provides more information about the project and encourages riders to share their photos of the art buses on Instagram with the hashtag #MoveRIbus. The second bus, a visual ode to the local street band festival, PRONK, will be unveiled during the festival on Monday, October 8.